
From a friend

Thanks for your letter No 20.

I start and don’t finish 20 things in a day.

Is it because I have been interrupted and the interrupter wants my attention now, is it because I don’t focus, is it plain old age or is it because I want to make everybody happy?

Just thinking.


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From a friend

Hi Dr Moch,

I would like to tell you how much I enjoy reading your 'Letters from a Psychiatrist", and in particular the one I have just read on "Loneliness, Mindfulness & Togetherness".

Your words resonated with the story of my life where I was extremely lonely for most of my life (even in a crowd), to now absolutely relishing my alone time in my own company.

This journey has taken me over 20 years, and my journey is still in progress.

I am currently reading a book by Dr. Caroline Leaf, a neuroscientist and communication pathologist whose passion is to help people see the power of the mind to change the brain, control chaotic thinking, and find mental peace.

The name of the book is 'Cleaning Up Your Mental Mess' which was published earlier this year.

As you are a keen reader, I highly recommend you put this book on your reading list.

You will find that Dr Leaf has a lot in common with the way you think.


That's all from me and I look forward to your next letter.

Kind regards,

Jenny Templemore-Walters

PS: I think you should one day publish your letters in a book to be sold commercially. They make for interesting and thought provoking reading. :)

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